A: Looking for Leather?
B: In Spain? Do you mean PIEL?
A: Claro que si !
B: With your sunglasses on?
B: Claro!
A: Hola FLECOS !
B: Ahhh Fringes – Fringe Poshette exquisitely made in ESPANA.
A: Me gusta el CURADOR tambien !
B: Claro che si – the Curator Poshette Collection is curated in ANDALUCIA.
A: Y después qué pasó ?
B: Puedes hablar POSHETTE ?
A: Si claro! Have a look at the whole collection of the CURATOR POSHETTE in our online shop. All CURATORS are exquisitely handmade in Spain, printed onto soft leather and all in limited editions. And si claro perfect for travelling!