1 idea
1 good reason to celebrate
270 grams of a story
125 grams of soft leather
35 grams of linnen lining
7 grams of zip and or elasticBespoke Printing
Place the entire order in
preheated sunny Spain or Italy
Let it settle between 35-40 working days for handmade wonders.
preheated sunny Spain or Italy
Let it settle between 35-40 working days for handmade wonders.
Sprinkle with plenty of generosity and hand out.
Let grateful guests & friends wear, adore,
Let grateful guests & friends wear, adore,
admire the bespoken Poetic Luxury.

N.B Rewarding longlasting JOY will occur.

Ellen Olrik , Danish painter

Image printed on leather

A Story
Bespoke Ellen Olrik on Cards & Credibility (7,5 cm x 10,5 cm )

1 Curator Poshette (, 26cm x 21 cm) holds amongst other things, small agenda, glasses, make-up, phone and keys.

Generosité – any given time
The other side of the story on a Curator Poshette

Hand -me- outs for longlasting JOY